Attitude - perspective

2016-02-21 @ 09:20:00

It´s morning and you put your hand in your childs boot. It´s wet. As your hand feels wet and cold and the smell starts to reach your nose, 
- is your thought "WHY"? Do you argue with your child about why you have not been told it´s wet and now you can´t use it? And so on..
- is your thought "NO"? Do you as a second thought (or even as a first - skipping the childblame one and moving on to another blameless party) think I'm a bad parent? I should have checked this strait away, I know better.. ? And so on..
Let me give you another perspective. 
Your childs boot is still wet in the morning, 
- Your child/You were outside yesterday an had a good time together, probably for a long time since it is still really wet
- You did check this morning - you care, you know - you just forgot to do it yesterday.. 
How we are and behave in life and what it boils down to is our perseption, perspective.. our attitude. How do we perceive things, where do we stear our thoughts? What do we allow ourselves to land in, what do we settle for - for ourselves, how we see and treat ourselves and for how we see and treat others? Someone said that we are not responsible for our first though but we are for the one´s that follow. True. However. Stop every once in a while and look at your thoughs because they say a lot about who you are and how you look at the world. But, as said, let your first thought be free - neither ponder at it or settle for it - if it is no good.. If it is, good for you but you are quite possibly a rare being always having splendid first thoughts.. no? =) 
Always take care and responibility for what thoughts you choose to settle with - what influence your energy will have in the world. 
Live on, live free but responsibly.

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